
HairMax Laser Hair Growth Cap PowerFlex

Benefits That Will Make You LOVE Your Hair Again:
Promotes Hair Growth
Reduces Shedding
Strengthens Hair
Reverses Thinning Process
Increases Density & Fullness
Energizes & Awakens Follicles
Rejuvenates Aging Hair
Restores Hair Growth Cycle
Revitalizes Damaged Hair



Utilizing our groundbreaking laser hair growth technology, the HairMax Laser 272 PowerFlex Cap makes laser light treatments available to you at home or on the go.

The HairMax Laser 272 PowerFlex Cap delivers nourishing laser light to your hair follicles to reduce inflammation and stimulate cellular energy to create a healthier environment for hair growth. The Laser 272 PowerFlex Cap helps restore your hair’s natural growth cycle resulting in new hair growth with increased density, fullness, and vibrancy.

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